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In Leichhardt's FootstepsIn Leichhardt's Footsteps

Tin Mosques and Ghantowns - A history of Afghan cameleers in Australia.

Tin Mosques and Ghantowns - A history of Afghan cameleers in Australia.

Product Code: C2

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Tin Mosques and Ghantowns - the history of of Australia's Muslim Cameleers by Christine Stevens

The Afghan camelmen were tribesmen and peasants from southern and eastern Afghanistan. Their outback communities - the Ghantowns - were religious and cultural ghettos, where no imam called the faithful to prayer from humble mosques of sun-baked mud or corrugated iron, but where, nonetheless, the traditions of Islam and of their ancestors were faithfully followed in an alien and often hostile land.
Tin Mosques and Ghantowns covers 130 neglected years of Australian history, for 50 years of which the camel-trains criss-crossed the continemt, carrying the necessities of life, and some few of its luxuries, to settlements in the isolated interior.
Throughout the years the turbanned camel drivers, exotically dressed and often fragrant with the oils and perfumes of the East, fought a bitter battle with the inland cartage trade with the bullockies.

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