Fleur Lehane. "My sister Mary ensured my grandfather's immortality with her class book Kings in Grass Castles…
Rodeos and Ringers
Noel Lipp of Toowoomba. Self published. A story of Dave and Hilda Lipp and their descendents and a boyhood farm life i…
Grenville Turner. Andrews McMeel Publishing. Greenville Turner is a landscape, people and documentary photographer. He…
Joan Clothier White. Self Published. Pioneering in the Queensland bush in the 1960's. In 1958 the Clothier family …
John Tully. Self Published. This book is a story of a family; of Mother and Father, and their eight sons and two daught…
Sweat Tears & Blood Red Opal
From coal mines in England to the Gympie area in Australia - one man's life.
We of the Never Never
Buffaloes: adventures in Arnhem land
A true story from north Queensland. Arson, corruption, cattle duffing.
A Son of the Red Centre - Kurt G Johannsen
The motor tuck pioneers, the towns and the vehicles.
Animal bells in Australia : The History - The Makers- The Collectors
Australian early Settlers' Household Lore
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